Nội dung khóa học
Thinking of a new startup idea? Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel discuss the types of ideas to stay away from—what we commonly refer to as "tarpit ideas."

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Chapters (Powered by https://bit.ly/chapterme-yc) -
00:00 - Intro
00:16 - Advice on pivoting - Tarpit ideas
00:38 - Tarpit definition
03:49 - Most tarpit - Consumer ideas
04:56 - Why do founders choose consumer ideas so much
06:37 - Why is it hard doing consumer stuff
07:21 - What's the bar for a startup
07:43 - Google
09:53 - Facebook
11:19 - Timing - Web 2
13:38 - Smartphone
14:21 - What is a tarpit idea?
15:45 - App to discover new things
16:34 - Why they don't work
19:37 - Recent target ideas
20:27 - Web3 - Rebuilding the world
21:38 - Theory of supply and demand
23:29 - Demand side
26:13 - Best pivots
27:49 - Closing thoughts
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