Nội dung khóa học
Catheryn Li built the YC co-founder matching platform. This discussion with YC Visiting Partner Divya Bhat covers the importance of having a co-founder, how to get and vet one, and how to build a successful working relationship with your co-founder.

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Chapters (Powered by https://bit.ly/chapterme-yc) -
00:00 - Introduction
00:41 - Meaning of a co-founder
03:39 - Finding a co-founder
04:39 - Co-founder matching platform
08:17 - Tips on getting the most of the platform
10:04 - Evaluate potential co-founder
12:35 - Technical co-founder vs. Dev shops
13:40 - Trial projects
14:40 - Spliting equity
16:29 - How to work together
18:59 - Topics to discuss before committing
20:07 - Building trust
24:01 - How to setup for quick decision making
26:20 - Personality and communication styles
29:04 - Useful habits for a productive relationship
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