Nội dung khóa học
YC Group Partner Jared Friedman shares a framework for how to get and evaluate startup ideas. He shares many examples of YC companies and the inside stories of how they came up with the ideas that turned into billion dollar companies. Even if you have an existing idea, this talk helps founders confirm that their idea is good and/or provide framework for a future pivot.

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Chapters (Powered by https://bit.ly/chapterme-yc) -
00:00 - Finding a promising idea
00:51 - Where does this advice come from?
01:44 - 4 most common mistakes
06:29 - 10 key questions to ask about any startup idea
14:40 - 3 things that make your startup idea good
19:42 - How to come up with startup ideas
21:25 - 7 recipes for generating startups ideas

#startup #tech #entrepreneur

YC Group Partner Jared Friedman will give a talk on how to get and evaluate startup ideas. He'll share many examples of YC companies and the inside story of how they came up with the ideas that turned into billion dollar companies. Even if you have an existing idea, this talk is worth going to because it will help you confirm that your current idea really is good. You also might need to pivot and find a new idea in the future - and if so, this talk will help.
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